Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Today is exactly one year ago today that Bob and I started our official adoption journey. Tonight was the first group homestudy get together. Our agency conducted three group homestudy meetings. Two in December and on in January and then one home visit which we had in March. I remember exactly how I was feeling a year ago. I was sitting in this exact spot full of anticipation of what was to come. I had no idea just how overwhelming this journey was going to be. I remember when we arrived at our agency I had a small binder with me to start filling with all the necessary paper work we would be getting at these meetings. One of the social workers conducting the meeting looked at my binder, looked at me and gave me a big smile and said "you are going to need a much bigger binder" I think it was at that point that reality hit. That this was going to be so much more then we had ever imagined and after all the anxiety, uncertainty, paper work, finger printing, social worker visit, did I mention paper work, I would be sitting in the exact same spot a year later with only one thing on my mind.....Bringing Emma home!

So, tonight I think it is only fitting that we do what we did last year after we left our meeting. We are going to go home after work, order Chinese food and talk about Emma, and how much we already love this little girl that is half a world away maybe not even born yet but has every string attach to our hearts to hers.


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