Monday, January 08, 2007


I am sure some of my blogger friends heard about the Paula Zahn report on CNN Friday night. If you did not here is a BRIEF update.....Apparently she did a report about the new regulations in China and had some "expert panelist" on the show. It did not portray China adoptions in a favorable light and MANY families who have already adopted, in the process of adopting or thinking about adopting from China were not happy. Me being one of them. Many of us sent emails to CNN CEO, Paula Zahn, the Sponsors of the report, etc. Apparently we've been heard....

Tonight on CNN at 8:00 p.m. this topic will be re-visited with a new panel of experts who supposedly know about International Adoptions....let's hope so!

Bob and I will certainly be watching and hoping that this time they get it right!


Blogger aimeeg said...

We have it set up on Tivo, just in case we lose track of time. We definitely want to see this!

6:26 PM  
Blogger Cora & Mike said...

So what did you think?? I think Roland Martin STILL doesn't get it! But I'm glad that however thrown together the program was, at least they addressed it. Paula Zahn looked nervous to me..

9:52 PM  

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