Wednesday, January 09, 2008

What a difference a day makes, yesterday my boss was not in the office she said she was taking the day off because "she is overwhelmed and needs a day to recharge" I didn't think my giving notice was going to make her have a mini melt down but apparently it did. Today she came back to the office and we had "a very important meeting" as she called it. She purposed that I work part-time, 3 days a week with limited hours. She doesn't want to see me leave, that I am vital to the office and knows that even with only working 3 days I would be as productive if not more then a new full-time hire.

This would mean that Owen would need to be in daycare 2 days a week, since one of my days would be Monday which is Bob's day off. My first reaction was NO I want to be home, but honestly I am having some issues leaving. I am going to miss my friends I've made along the way, I am even going to miss my job, I've been doing it for so long that I am not sure what to do with myself once I am not here anymore. Bob says absolutely not, he wants me home with Owen and the other part of me agrees with that. I really want to be home with my son, I want to do all the things that we don't get to do now.

The other part of only working part-time would mean that I would not get paid for holidays or days off, so would that be worth coming into the city three days a week?? I know that eventually if I look for a part-time job near home I will not be paid what I would make staying here, it's part-time but almost full-time pay. My other thought was if I continue to work part-time then Bob could quit the part time job that he has that makes him work every other weekend for 12 hours each day, 24 hours a weekend. He is gone the entire weekend from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., Owen misses him, I miss him. If I continue to work then he would be able to drop down to a pier-diem spot and pick up a few extra shifts a month. I need help?? I don't know what the right thing to do is.

I thought once I gave my notice that would be it, no more conversations about it. Boy was I wrong!


Blogger jen said...

Wow Tracy! What an offer. That must mean they really love you and need you! Good luck in your decision!


5:42 PM  
Blogger kerri said...

Oh Tracy, I know you will find the right decision, what will work for all of you.
It sounds like they need you at work, your valued and respected.
Visit my site, you have been nominated for an award, Blogging with a purpose. Well deserved my friend. ;)

8:37 PM  
Blogger JMCS said...

That has to make you feel good! I know that you will make the best decision.

Stop by my blog when you get a chance. I nominated you for an award.


12:29 AM  

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