Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Random Thoughts

It's been awhile since I've been on here with an updated. I've been more then consumed with facebook.

I have found so many old friends, mostly from high school but a few from grammer school. It has brought back so many great memories. We are having a mini high school reunion in March. I went to an all girl catholic high school, my graduating class was 42 girls and I was with the same class for all four years! So we really got to know eachother. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in person.

As for Owen he is doing great!!! Speech Therapy is going really well and so is Occupational Therpy. He is speaking so much and in full sentences. We have to watch everything we say! The other night watching super bowl I said Arizona sucks right out of his mouth came Mommy Arizona Sucks! I laughed at first but then realized it's not so cute. So we changed suck to stinks and now he walks around saying Arizona stinks! Certainly better.

Sunday was a year that Owen had his cleft palate repair, I can't believe it's a year! He is not the same boy he was then.

Here are a couple of highlights that I want to make sure I don't forget in years to come.....

When he takes a nap at daycare he takes his shoes and socks off and puts the socks on his feet and makes sock puppets, he sleeps with them on his hands and when he wakes up he looks at both hands and says "morning puppets"

He still loves ELMO but Thomas the train is a close second and may even bypass ELMO. He calls him Tommy. I think this is because my brother in laws name is Tommy.

He loves to share and when him and his daddy are eating snacks (donuts, cookies, etc.) he always brings me one and says "here mommy for you"

He now understands, mad, happy and yelling.

We are still working on the potty training, he does it at daycare and at home only if you keep reminding him to go, part of this is because I don't think Bob and I have been really strict about it, we probably should.

His favorite songs right now are wheels on the bus, itsy bitsy spider and twinkle twinkle little star, but when in the car loves to listen to Pink, Beyonce and many others.

He is a momma's boy but loves his daddy, and still very close with his Nana, Papa, RaRa and Matthew

When he goes to sleep at night he says a prayer and extra prayers for all his "peeps"

Everyday he continues to amaze me how one little boy can handle all that comes at him with such enthusism. His Speech Therapist said what makes Owen such a good learner is that he is so eager to learn, he want's to know everything.

I guess that's about it for now, I am sure I am leaving things out but I will update as I remember.

I have to get some new pictures off my camera and up on this site. Just not enough time for everything!


Blogger redmaryjanes said...

Thank you so much for your comment supporting the new Starfish Cleft Home. I will look for your e-mail. I tell you, I am just overwhelmed by people gracious hearts and generosity.

8:04 PM  
Blogger JMCS said...

Hi Tracy, Bob and owen,

Sorry it has been so long since I pooed in, just wanted to see how you guys were doing and it sounds like you are doing great. I loved reading all about the fun things Owen is doing. Isn't having a child the best? I am really loving Sofia at this age too. It is a new treat every day to see what she is doing and learning. She is crazy for Elmo as well. That's too funny about the Arizona comment. Owen is a ham. Can't wait to check in more.


11:02 PM  
Blogger Shandra said...

Tracy, Thanks for your sweet comment on our blog. I face book too, Look me up. I forgot your last name.

1:41 PM  

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